Weekly roundup

This week we have had a lot of fun thinking about the different way animals move. We loved acting out and guessing different animals in our groups. We were successful in understanding habits of nocturnal animals and guessing which animals stay awake during the night, but sleep during the day. It was interesting to listen to the different noises animals make during the night. We have started to write facts about nocturnal animals. Next week we are going to be starting our new story, ‘The Giant Jam Sandwich.’ This is a brilliant book with beautiful illustrations! We will be retelling the story using drawings and creating our own sandwiches.

In numeracy, this week we have started to use bead strings to help us count in 10s. This has been a useful way to represent 10s numbers. Next week, we are starting multiplication and division! We will be counting groups of numbers to help us with 2,3,4 and 5 times table. We will be using numicon to help us with our learning.

Have a wonderful weekend!